I am Eric Stelling. I farm with my father and brother in and around Osakis, MN. We currently operate around 1500 acres consisting of corn, beans,alfalfa, and some small grain. Approximately 160 acres are certified organic.
Two years ago we got out of dairy and just finish feeder cattle. We are in our first year of strip tilling. Cover crops have been used for over 10 years and we have been no-tilling for much longer than that. Our soil varies from blow sand to heavy black soil. All of which require different management strategies.
Last year we were the Todd County farm family of the year. We also custom chop for a few neighbors. I am also a gold country seed dealer. We are actively working with equip and CSP programs. I use climate field view and Ag Solver to make decisions, as is how I got acquainted with Jennifer Hahn.
Striving to improve soil health is and will always be priority number and proves to be challenging as well as rewarding.