Find A Mentor
MN Soil Health Coalition members can search for a mentor by category and location.
Are you interested in building the knowledge base of soil health practices in Minnesota?
Our farmer mentors are producers that have implemented soil health practices on their operations and are willing to discuss their experiences with other farmers. Information provided by farmers to farmers is especially vital-you have planned, implemented, and witnessed the results. You have experience trouble shooting, working with the logistics, and have first-hand knowledge of those practices.
Your name, general management, location, and contact information would be shared with MN Soil Health Coalition members so that they can identify a farmer with similar management to theirs or to what they’d like to implement, and contact you to discuss items related to that. At any time you can have your name taken off the mentor list if it isn’t a good fit for you. Your information will not be shared with the public without your consent, just to our members to help educate and build on the great knowledge already here in Minnesota.
You do not need to have implemented soil health practices for over a decade or feel like you have all of the answers-this is a learning experience for all of us and nobody will have all of the answers or be expected to. Sharing what doesn’t work is as or more powerful than sharing what has worked.
Become A Mentor
Interested in becoming a farmer mentor?
Sponsored By:
Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program
The Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) is a voluntary opportunity for farmers and agricultural landowners to take the lead in implementing conservation practices that protect our water. Those who implement and maintain approved farm management practices will be certified and in turn obtain regulatory certainty for a period of ten years. Through this program, certified producers receive:
- Regulatory certainty: certified producers are deemed to be in compliance with any new water quality rules or laws during the period of certification
- Recognition: certified producers may use their status to promote their business as protective of water quality
- Priority for technical assistance: producers seeking certification can obtain specially designated technical and financial assistance to implement practices that promote water quality

Contact information:
You can contact your local SWCD to get started, or Minnesota Department of Agriculture for specific contact information.