Jerry Ackermann has been farming with his wife Nancy for the past 39 years near Lakefield, in southwestern Minnesota. They are extremely active in on-the-farm research and test plots. They farm approximately 1200 acres with 1/3 corn, 1/3 soybeans and 1/3 alfalfa as a cash crop. Along with the Heron Lake Watershed and Extended Ag Services, they have participated in a number of grants doing research on cover crops. After six years of trials, cover crops were seeded on all corn and soybean acres in 2016. With the help of cover crops Jerry’s goal is to consistently produce 200 bushel per acre corn with 140# or less of nitrogen. The Ackermann’s received the Midwest regions “Responsible Nutrient Management” award at the 2016 National No-Till Conference in Indianapolis, IN. Jerry was the opening speaker at the National Strip-Till Conference in Bloomington, IL in August, 2016. They are currently participating in an MDA grant researching the effect of cover crops on soil moisture and temperature. Jerry and Nancy have been Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certified for a few years and continue to implement practices that benefit the agronomics and natural resources.