Photo Source: https://extension.umn.edu/landscape-design/rain-gardens
Aside from producers, residents can also help to manage stormwater runoff. To do this, consider embellishing landscaping with plants that not only love water, but also can collect and retain lots of stormwater as a result of deep root systems. Rain gardens can exist in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and typically consist of a “bowl” filled with water-loving plants like swamp milkweed, blue flag iris, or purple coneflower. The bowl shape collects rainwater which is then absorbed by the water-loving plants. Rain gardens have a multitude of benefits for both homeowners and the environment.
Benefits include:
·stormwater collection
·filtration of pollutants
·healthier soil
·prevention of soil erosion
·mitigation of storm flooding
·increased biodiversity
What a beautiful way to protect our resources! To find out more, visit our friends at the UMN Extension at https://extension.umn.edu/landscape-design/rain-gardens